There it was, half-hidden by the blanket at the end of my toddler grandson's bed ... a peanut butter sandwich, with three bites taken, evidence of a parent's middle-of-the-night care for a little fellow woken by a 'bad dream'.
The adult hands that made this simple, powerful comfort had guided him through a day of little/big adventures; had steadied him as he launched himself on a new balance bike; had waited ready to catch him as he determinedly pulled himself to the top of a 3metre rope climbing frame; then had supported his brave move into the big expanse of the lake, and shared the joy, the relief, the on-the-beach ice-cream.
My grandson experienced - without needing to 'understand' - that love was always there for him and always stronger than his fear. In his life, the parental presence was trustworthy - day and night.
Maybe this little snippet of everyday life resonates with you?
Maybe it's made you wonder whom you trust to bring you comfort and strength?
Maybe it's even made you think about the equivalent of your 'peanut butter sandwich', your kete rauemi wairua - your 'spiritual resource kit'- what you can draw on to calm your mind and soothe your soul?
I know that , whenever anxious thoughts threaten to overwhelm my mind, I turn to my kete rauemi wairua. It's been a long time in the weaving and gathering but now it holds words of scripture, lines and melodies of a chant or song, precious memories of time with loved ones, and the Jesus prayer * for it is the triune God, the Loving Presence whom I have learned to trust to steady and support me day or night.
Next time you take out the peanut butter jar, perhaps this story will come to mind and with it a reminder of God's love for you in the most ordinary moments of life.
* for more on the Jesus Prayer go to my website: and check under Resources 'Loaves and Fishes'