During a particularly busy week, I was looking online for a piece of music for a service I was due to take - I found the song - not on iTunes - and downloaded it.
BUT - then warnings started to pop up on my screen - a bug had been found with dire consequences to my computer if I didn't ring ...
And so I rang.
I didn't think
I didn't pray
I rang
And the foreign man at the other end was plausible and patient, and persuasive ... long story short ...
I ended up purchasing expensive virus protection which later turned out to be available without cost.
My dear husband was remarkably kind - he talked me through the indicators of scamming and what I needed to do.
So it was off to the bank to cancel my credit card.
And it was off to my computer man to check the laptop for any 'search and destroy viruses' 'they' might have planted.
But most of all it was to my knees to pour out to God my regret for not pausing long enough to seek God's wisdom before I acted.
As I write about this incident now, I can see that there were other factors apart from busyness that contributed to my being sucked in - my pride (a misplaced sense of being 'computer-savvy' - just because sometimes I can do computer things that my husband can't) and my habit of managing by myself, going it alone.
Pride, self-sufficiency and busyness- three classic barriers to the grace of God. I was behaving as if rushing would lead me to good decisions, as if I knew more than Wisdom, as if I could work better alone, instead of in Relationship.

Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
Mark Twain
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