There have been beginnings and endings - deaths and deterioration, a book finally completed, an easy ride to Christmas turned upside down.
And now here we are in the heat of the Kiwi summer, the hammock swinging in the breeze - idyllic, peace-full, welcoming, healing.
Time to relax, read, and rest.
But it's also time to explore, to do those things we often don't have time to do when life is full and there are so many calls on our time.
And so we headed off to Opepe reserve, a remnant of virgin forest, left behind by the loggers who'd stopped their unthinking colonial rampage on the other side of an old track which has since become the road linking Taupo to Napier.
Warm and noisy by the road, within a few metres there was forest cool, speckled light, birdsong and a sense of stepping back into history, into the visible reality of life being given space to grow to its fullest potential - massive trees - matai, rimu, miro, totara ... all reaching their full majestic height.

I dawdled behind the others, inhaling the moist air - it's hard to put a finger on what was going on for me - but tears began to surface, there was a sense of sacred connection, of deep peace as if I were in a holy place as I touched the ancient wonder of trees standing for centuries, knowing they would remain long after my earthly life comes to an end.
And I was reminded that within each one of us lies our potential to give unique expression to the divine - God living, loving, suffering and creating in and through us.
And what beauty and joy there is for others when we do just that.
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