Tuesday 23 February 2016

Eight beautiful days at Kinloch on the shores of Lake Taupo  ... now it's time to pack up and head back to the city, the street noise, and the challenge of keeping hold of some of the treasures of this
stunningly serene part of Aotearoa New Zealand.

I take with me the inner delight of watching everyday life with birds and sky and clouds unimpeded by phone or noise.

I take with me deep thankfulness for insights about my own need to welcome the stranger within  - in my case the part of me that procrastinates ... St Paul spoke poignantly about not doing what he wanted to do and I have some sympathy for his struggles with the 'thorn in the flesh', whatever it was. So, instead of wasting time wrestling, I'm learning simply to  accept the 'little procrastinator' and get on with the next thing that God gives me to do!!

I take with me the joy of my son and daughter-in-law's weekend visit - sharing the everyday delight of shopping and walking and talking and eating together.

I take with me too the memory of a special conversation with my son, whose listening, kindness and wise words brought comfort and healing.

The ordinary things of life?

Not really -  for they shimmer with the Spirit of Jesus and turned into glory before our eyes.

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